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I dunno. Who Runs the wealth fund? How do they ensure it doesn't turn into another slush fund? It sounds like its the New Deal all over again. Or Nesara/Gesara. Only way it wouldn't be is if no tax payer funds go into it and no employee has to pay into it. And who determines who that fund benefits?

Really since the corporations have taken over throwing money at the theater show why aren't corporations themselves paying all the taxes that currently burden employees.

I don't see how they can eliminate the debt leash. They need something to be able to punish the people who make problems with. Social Credit?

People hear things being discussed that will only favor the individuals who embrace it today and in the future and they assume it would benefit everyone, because nothing is qualified in the commentary that brought it up. Assumptions do nobody any favors.

Hopefully it works out and Accountability is Had and its not just another mechanism to kick the can down the Road. Heres to Hoping!

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