Alina Habba: "This is God's Plan—it worked in 2016 it's going to work again!"
Alina Habba talks about the divinely guided Trump plan for America
At the ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, Alina Habba reminds the audience that MAGA and America First mission and movement is bigger than just politics, it’s God’s plan.
Before we get to the short video, let me set the stage.
The Great Awakening, Doubt and Disillusionment
Ever since 2015, when Trump walked down the golden escalator, the promise and dream of a better world of freedom and prosperity have echoed like a shining light in a dark world clouded by the haze of globalism. Nearly 250 years ago, the dream of the founding fathers, who were themselves theists, rang out like a sonic boom. Since then, it inspired generations of people to cast off the shackles of oppression and gave birth to the United States, the true American dream of freedom and prosperity through peace in the land of the free. More recently, this same theistically founded dream emerged within the “best is yet to come” ideals of America's first ideal, headed by Donald J. Trump.
However, this dream has been continually overshadowed by disappointments, confusion, and a globalist media machine hell-bent on keeping the populations of the world depressed and disillusioned. The fake news media and the globalist masters that benefit from this intelligence community-infused apparatus of thought control work to destroy any real hope in the future. “The worst is yet to come” might be their unspoken motto. Combined with an endless army of online bots, shill content creators, and bogus promises for the future pushed by well-meaning yet poorly vetted internet prophets, nearly all the enthusiasm for the Great Awakening ended when Trump apparently “lost” the 2020 election.
In 2020, as the doom of a Trumpless White House began to settle into the minds of recently awakened patriots, the ever-growing great awakening community fell into pits of despair. Then, it seemed all was lost, and possibly Trump and the patriots in control he works with had abandoned the people to Biden puppets and the globalists, but in fact, this was never the case.
Quietly, and in secret, the patriots working with Trump continued to do their work, as they had been doing behind the scenes for years. This plan, The Plan, with all it’s carefully crafted operational aims and objectives has yet to be fully revealed. But a great revealing is no doubt looming over the horizon.
Before 2015, the rumors of this plan have been talked of and used to inspire those brave enough to learn the truth of our world since long before Trump ever came on the seen. By all accounts, it is a plan in alignment with the ideals of the world’s great religions, most notably Christianity. It is not a competition of faiths, but instead, it is a plan to fulfill a goal best represented by the highest aspirations of the same religions that gave life to the Western world. Perhaps this is why, in 2017, Trump began a grand tour of the world to remind the leaders thereof that their people and the causes of freedom and justice for all was, and is, the highest calling. That any claim to power they might enjoy was itself a mission of trusteeship, for which God Himself was ever watching to remind them of this fact.
It is my belief that, Alina Habba alludes to this Plan when she speaks in the video. And her statements in general at the Detroit ReAwaken America Tour were inspired by this same God-based and focused plan. (We’ll be posting her full talk on this substack in time, subscribe to stay tuned).
Take a listen.
Please tell me what you think or let me know if I got something wrong. I want to hear from you.
Much love,
Justin Deschamps is a researcher, omniologist, podcaster, and business consultant who has committed himself to restoring the knowledge, reason, and goodwill that helped the founding fathers create the greatest nation on earth.