
Agenda 47 Explained, Life Update, News Round Up -- Vigilant News 8.26.24

Justin talks news, life, and Trump's plan to save America via Agenda 47

In this episode, Justin updates the Vigilant News audience on the pending move to Asheville, he and his wife Madi's expectant first child, Ryan taking care of his ill mother, news related to civil unrest, censorship in the industrial complex, RFK Jr. endorsing Trump, and the introduction to the Agenda 47 Explained series.

Corruption has cast a shadow over the world for some time. Corruption has shattered our communities, stripped away our wisdom to live honorable and abundant lives, and entrenched our dependence on the technocratic deep state from birth. However, Agenda 47 promises to change all that, as was explained in this episode.

Featured Article for this episode:

Agenda 47 EXPLAINED: Introduction

Ascent Nutrition: Guard Against Flu and Pandemics with Agarikon Mushroom


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Show Notes:


++ Ascent Nutrition (SPONSOR) ++
Pine Needle Extract
+ Amazing Organic Superfood
+ Supports Brain Health
+ Supports Lung Health
+ Supports Heart Health
+ Supports Hormone Health
Book of the Month
Secret Societies & Subversive Movements
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